Thursday 7 August 2008

Dangermouse Warns Of Diabetes Danger

�Diabetes UK has launched a personal identification number badge appeal in partnership with Halifax Bank of Scotland.

The badges, featuring cartoon superhero Dangermouse and his hamster assistant Penfold, will be on sale at Halifax and Bank of Scotland branches crosswise the UK with takings going to Diabetes UK.

Every syrian pound raised will be matched

Customers are existence encouraged to donate �1 for each badge and every pound raised will be matched by the HBOS Foundation.

The money volition be used to facilitate fund basketball team mobile educational vans to screen, inform and suggest 1.5million people about the dangers of diabetes over the next deuce years.

Raising awareness of the dangers of diabetes

Jillian Baillie, Deputy Head HBOS Foundation, aforementioned: "Pin badges are enormously popular with colleagues and customers alike. The return from this appeal will be a huge hike up in the fight to find undiagnosed diabetics before their term becomes life threatening."

Ros Luckman, Partnerships Manager, Diabetes UK said: "By purchasing a Dangermouse thole badge you will not only be helping us generate life-sustaining funds, simply you will also be helping us raise awareness of the dangers of diabetes."

Targeting areas with greatest risk

The educational vans will journey up and down the UK, targeting areas where the risk of diabetes is highest. Diabetes UK has been chosen as one of three charities to benefit from the HBOS charity of the year program - the Million � Challenge.

Diabetes UK

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